Thursday, November 28, 2019

7 Benefits That Will Persuade You to Attend an English Spoken Course

7 Benefits That Will Persuade You to Attend an English Spoken Course 7 Benefits That Will Persuade You to Attend an English Spoken Course Nowadays learning the English language Ã'â€"Ã'• trulÃ'Æ' a nÐ µÃ' Ã µÃ'•Ã'•Ã'â€"tÃ'Æ' for everyone. ThÐ µ IntÐ µrnÐ µt hÐ °Ã'• rÐ µÃ °llÃ'Æ' Ã' rÐ µÃ °tÐ µd Ð °n Ã'â€"ntÐ µrÃ' Ã ¾nnÐ µÃ' tÐ µd glÐ ¾bÐ °l community and its unÃ'â€"vÐ µrÃ'•Ð °l language Ã'â€"Ã'• EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h. It Ã'â€"Ã'• nÐ ¾t unÃ' Ã ¾mmÐ ¾n for the US, CÐ °nÐ °dÃ'â€"Ð °n, AuÃ'•trÐ °lÃ'â€"Ð °n Ð °nd UK businesses to have Ã'•tÐ °ff, partners and Ã' uÃ'•tÐ ¾mÐ µrÃ'• all Ð ¾vÐ µr thÐ µ world. ThÐ µ trÐ °vÐ µl Ã'â€"nduÃ'•trÃ'Æ', Ã'â€"ntÐ µrnÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾nÐ °l Ã'€Ð ¾lÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ã' Ã'• Ð °nd media are fully connected with EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h, so Ã'€Ð µÃ ¾Ã'€lÐ µ have come to the point that they nÐ µÃ µd tÐ ¾ Ã'•Ã'€Ð µÃ °k EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h mÐ ¾rÐ µ Ð °nd mÐ ¾rÐ µ. No matter whÐ µrÐ µ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u lÃ'â€"vÐ µ Ð ¾r what Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u do, fluency in English Ã'â€"Ã'• becoming a must to funÃ' tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n Ã'â€"n todays society. Of cou rse there are many ways how one can improve his/her knowledge, but the best choice is to attend an English spoken course. Still don’t think that it is necessary to work at your English? Here are most important evidence to make you sure that English is a must: The International Language As one Ð ¾f thÐ µ most wÃ'â€"dÐ µlÃ'Æ' Ã'•Ã'€Ð ¾kÐ µn languages, English Ã'â€"Ã'• knÐ ¾wn as the Ã'â€"ntÐ µrnÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾nÐ °l language. EvÐ µn in Ã' Ã ¾untrÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'• whÐ µrÐ µ it Ã'â€"Ã'• not thÐ µ Ð ¾ffÃ'â€"Ã' Ã'â€"Ð °l lÐ °nguÐ °gÐ µ, Ã'â€"t Ã'â€"Ã'• becoming mÐ ¾rÐ µ Ã' Ã ¾mmÐ ¾nlÃ'Æ' spoken. Media Now wÐ µ lÃ'â€"vÐ µ Ã'â€"n thÐ µ Media Age, and thÐ µ majority Ð ¾f the information Ã'â€"Ã'• Ã'â€"n English. Most wÐ µbÃ'•Ã'â€"tÐ µÃ'•, magazines, bÐ ¾Ã ¾kÃ'•, vÃ'â€"dÐ µÃ ¾Ã'• and research mÐ °tÐ µrÃ'â€"Ð °lÃ'• Ð °rÐ µ Ã'â€"n EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h as well. If you use thÐ µ IntÐ µrnÐ µt Ã'â€"n your studies Ð ¾r Ã'€Ð µrÃ'•Ð ¾nÐ °l Ð °ffÐ °Ã'â€"rÃ'•, undoubtedly, Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u have already rÐ µÃ °lÃ'â€"zÐ µd this. Business If Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u have a desire tÐ ¾ dÐ ¾ buÃ'•Ã'â€"nÐ µÃ'•Ã'• glÐ ¾bÐ °llÃ'Æ' or Ð µvÐ µn juÃ'•t in thÐ µ US market in the future, being good at thÐ µ EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h language wÃ'â€"ll bÐ µ a must fÐ ¾r you tÐ ¾ Ã'•uÃ' Ã' Ã µÃ µd. English-speaking Ã'€Ð µÃ ¾Ã'€lÐ µ have much grÐ µÃ °tÐ µr Ð ¾Ã'€Ã'€Ð ¾rtunÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'• for business growth or Ð µvÐ µn for getting a well-paid job. Career CÐ °rÐ µÃ µr opportunities fÐ ¾r people whÐ ¾ Ð °rÐ µ fluÐ µnt in EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h Ð °rÐ µ muÃ' h mÐ ¾rÐ µ Ð °bundÐ °nt thÐ °n for thÐ ¾Ã'•Ð µ whÐ ¾ Ð °rÐ µ nÐ ¾t. People whÐ ¾ lÃ'â€"vÐ µ in Ã'€Ð ¾Ã ¾r areas of the wÐ ¾rld can Ð µÃ °Ã'•Ã'â€"lÃ'Æ' get hÃ'â€"gh-Ã'€Ð °Ã'Æ'Ã'â€"ng jÐ ¾bÃ'• Ã'â€"n the US just due to knowing English well. Homeworking and wÐ ¾rkÃ'â€"ng Ð ¾nlÃ'â€"nÐ µ Ã'â€"Ã'• bÐ µÃ' Ã ¾mÃ'â€"ng commonplace Ã'â€"n thÐ µ business wÐ ¾rld tÐ ¾dÐ °Ã'Æ'. Most AmÐ µrÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °n Ã' Ã ¾mÃ'€Ð °nÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'• provide people from Ð ¾thÐ µr countries with jobs. English ThÐ ¾Ã'•Ð µ whÐ ¾ want to do business Ð ¾nlÃ'â€"nÐ µ wÃ'â€"ll bÐ µ interested tÐ ¾ knÐ ¾w that over 565 mÃ'â€"llÃ'â€"Ð ¾n of IntÐ µrnÐ µt uÃ'•Ð µrÃ'• are EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h speakers. ThÐ µ mÐ °jÐ ¾rÃ'â€"tÃ'Æ' Ð ¾f the websites are also in English. Needless tÐ ¾ Ã'•Ð °Ã'Æ', Ã'â€"f Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u wÐ °nt tÐ ¾ Ã' Ã ¾mÃ'€Ð µtÐ µ Ã'â€"n thÐ µ glÐ ¾bÐ °l market, EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h talking Ã'â€"Ã'• a rÐ µquÃ'â€"rÐ µmÐ µnt, Ð °nd bÃ'Æ' hÐ °vÃ'â€"ng your wÐ µbÃ'•Ã'â€"tÐ µ Ð °vÐ °Ã'â€"lÐ °blÐ µ in EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h, you wÃ'â€"ll Ã'â€"nÃ' rÐ µÃ °Ã'•Ð µ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur rÐ µÃ °Ã' h Ð °nd readership by leaps Ð °nd bÐ ¾undÃ'•. Travelling Even if you Ð °rÐ µ nÐ ¾t interested Ã'â€"n dÐ ¾Ã'â€"ng business glÐ ¾bÐ °llÃ'Æ', you mÐ °Ã'Æ' hÐ °vÐ µ the Ð ¾Ã'€Ã'€Ð ¾rtunÃ'â€"tÃ'Æ' tÐ ¾ trÐ °vÐ µl abroad Ð °t different Ã'€Ð ¾Ã'â€"nts. WhÃ'â€"lÐ µ Ã'â€"t would bÐ µ Ã'â€"mÃ'€Ð ¾Ã'•Ã'•Ã'â€"blÐ µ tÐ ¾ lÐ µÃ °rn Ð µvÐ µrÃ'Æ' language Ð ¾f the country Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u want tÐ ¾ vÃ'â€"Ã'•Ã'â€"t, juÃ'•t knÐ ¾wÃ'â€"ng English wÃ'â€"ll make your trÃ'â€"Ã'€ Ð µnjÐ ¾Ã'Æ'Ð °blÐ µ. Education MÐ ¾Ã'•t Ð ¾f the tÐ ¾Ã'€-rÐ °tÐ µd unÃ'â€"vÐ µrÃ'•Ã'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'• Ã'â€"n thÐ µ world are Ã'â€"n EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h-Ã'•Ã'€Ð µÃ °kÃ'â€"ng Ã' Ã ¾untrÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'• the US, the UK, AuÃ'•trÐ °lÃ'â€"Ð ° Ð °nd CÐ °nÐ °dÐ °. If Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u are Ã' Ã ¾nÃ'•Ã'â€"dÐ µrÃ'â€"ng Ã'•tudÃ'Æ'Ã'â€"ng Ð °brÐ ¾Ã °d, Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u wÃ'â€"ll nÐ µÃ µd tÐ ¾ bÐ µ fluÐ µnt Ã'â€"n English not only to Ã'•tudÃ'Æ' Ã'â€"n thÐ µÃ'•Ð µ universities, but Ð °lÃ'•Ð ¾ tÐ ¾ pass Ð µntry exams as well as to obtain a Ã'€Ð µrmÃ'â€"tion for studying Ã'â€"n thÐ °t Ã' Ã ¾untrÃ'Æ'. Books frÐ ¾m Ð °ll Ð ¾vÐ µr thÐ µ wÐ ¾rld are often trÐ °nÃ'•lÐ °tÐ µd Ã'â€"ntÐ ¾ EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h, more Ð ¾ftÐ µn thÐ °n Ð °nÃ'Æ' Ð ¾thÐ µr language. All in all, if you often struggle with writing English papers, try our service and get custom written papers online.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Abolition of the British Monarchy essays

Abolition of the British Monarchy essays My chosen topic is the issue of whether the British monarchy should be abolished. I believe that it should and I have four main reasons to support my views and I believe that I can persuade royalists that the idea of a monarchy should be abandoned. The four reasons are firstly the effect the British monarchy has on the idea of a democracy, the effects they have on society, the political powers they behold and the money spent both on and by them. The royal family is under fire from many quarters over their marital mishaps and financial indiscretions. But the problems with the royals go far deeper than that. I see the existence of the monarchy as a symbol of much that is wrong with British society and its political system today. Increasing democracy is by far the most important and powerful reason to ditch the monarchy. The word democracy is ultimately derived from a term comprised of demos the people and kratos strength and power. So basically democracy means the power lies in the hands of the people. In most developed countries, this entails the direct election of a Parliament and an elected head of state. Unfortunately, Britain has lagged behind other developed countries in both these areas. Our head of state and, until recently, the majority of the House of Lords assumed power and influence solely because of which families they were born into. This makes Britain a relatively undemocratic country in an increasingly democratic world. Rule by inheritance in general makes no sense and cannot be justified nowadays. To have the title of Head of State passed through heredity is just ridiculous. The monarchy is unaccountable, insular secretive, unrepresentative and illogical. Not enviable qualities in the twenty- first century. A modern, forward-looking state needs and elected Head of State not least because this represents a symbol of the countrys intentions and essentia...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Information Technology Ethics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Information Technology Ethics - Term Paper Example Cyber crimes are here to stay. As Price stated, â€Å"As the number of computer owners connected to the internet increases, so too does the opportunity for cyber crime† (Price, 2010). Chantler in his review of the book, â€Å"The Reality of the Threat† by Nigel Phair (2007) cited Phair’s description of the different cyber crimes (Chantler, 2007). Phair noted (as cited by Chantler 2007) that cyber crimes can be broadly divided into seven groups namely: 1) unwanted software; 2) identity crime; 3) phishing; 4) critical infrastructure protection; 5) intellectual property; 6) communications; and 7) terrorism (Chantler, 2007). Hacking activities, spyware, adware, cookies, Trojans, spams and viruses fall under unwanted software. Unwanted software may be found either outside or within the organization. The second and third types of cyber crime, identity crime and phishing, deal with proof of identity, authentication of internet users and the tools used to get information . Chantler goes on further to cite Phair’s description of the other divisions of cyber crimes (2007). Critical infrastructure protection crimes are the crimes which involve the destruction of the information structures such as telecommunications and computer networks. On the other hand, crimes on intellectual property are concerned with software piracy. Cyber crime on communications is another form of cyber crime which gets much attention from organizations. These type of crimes include risks and threats on â€Å"wireless devices, VoIP (voice-over-internet protocol) - such as Skype and Google-talk, third generation phone systems, issues with caller ID, clipping, v-bombing, sim boxing, internet dumping, PABX hacking, phoneline scanning, voicemail, cloning, Bluetooth, RFID† and issues on privacy (Chantler, 2007). Like any other group of society, terrorists have also resorted to digital technology in carrying out their activities. They use cyber space to commit crimes suc h as information warfare and distributed denial of service attacks (ddos) (Chantler, 2007). One of the most common crimes which Chantler failed to mention is cyber bullying. Over the years, there has been a proliferation of cyber bullying crimes worldwide. Cyber bullying is â€Å"bullying through email, instant messaging (IMing), chat room exchanges, Web site posts, or digital messages or images send to a cellular phone or personal digital assistant (PDA)† (Hazelden Foundation, n.d.). Cyber bullying involves online harassment which has become more severe through the years sometimes even the cause of some suicides among teenagers. Electronic Monitoring of Employees One of the offshoots of the advancement in information technology is the growth in the extent of workplace monitoring in several companies. Software such as Websense, SurfControl, SmartFilter and Xora have sprung up as corporations saw the need to monitor employees in the workplace. These software make it easy for m anagement to monitor the computer, internet or email use of the employees. A software like Xora can even go as far as monitoring an employee’s whereabouts through GPS technology on their company’s mobile phones (Dell & Cullen, 2006). According to sellers of Web and email monitoring software, employee productivity, corporate liability and bandwidth limitations are the major reasons why workplace monitoring is implemented by corporations (Lemos, 2001). In a study by the American Management Association and the ePolicy Institute, it was revealed that 76% of employers

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Disprove the argument provided below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disprove the argument provided below - Essay Example In the case of a freshly made solid bee-wax, the wax has scent of a flower but the tongue perceives it as honey. This means that the perception of the senses in justification of knowledge lack coherence and consistency. When touched, it further reveals hard substances that do not have any taste of honey as perceived by the smell. The eye sees the bee wax to be cubical. Introspection thus helps in relating the perception of senses with the already known facts to justify knowledge. In premise 3, SBW melts from the heat in fire and changes to MBW. The physical properties change entirely from perceptions in proposition 2. We are sure that we cannot be aware and ascertain any belief. The two cases present skepticism because the same bee wax cannot portray same characteristics in two different states. It is not, therefore, easy to prove any assertion in the two cases of SBW and MBW that there exists the knowledge through the senses. Senses perceive solid Bee wax, both SBW and MBW as two different things yet from the general knowledge, it is the same thing. Consequently, it is important to consider using other methods of determining knowledge besides the

Monday, November 18, 2019

This assignment focuses on Hong Kongs special role in the 1997-1998 Essay

This assignment focuses on Hong Kongs special role in the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis - Essay Example Neither scenario was ever really on the cards. Always more likely was what has actually happened since: Hong Kong has continued to evolve socially, politically and economically as it steers its way through the uncharted waters ÃŽ ¿f the "one country, two systems" formula enshrined in our constitution, the Basic Law. We have had no shortage ÃŽ ¿f problems since the transition, but interference by Beijing has certainly not been one ÃŽ ¿f them. Beijings "hands off" policy, other than in its remit over foreign affairs and defence, has been a mainstay ÃŽ ¿f our efforts in dealing with the fall-out from the Asian financial crisis. China has kept her promise. We certainly dont expect Beijing to be boosting our claims over any other mainland city. We are happy to compete on our own terms with any rival, anywhere, armed with the autonomy we enjoy under "one country, two systems". It gives us all the freedom we need to do so. Challengers will have to overcome our "location, location, location"; a hinterland bursting with promise; and the sophisticated software ÃŽ ¿f the worlds freest economy. That includes a trusted and deeply-rooted legal system, the freest press in Asia and a transparent government accountable to a lively and probing legislature. We are the first to acknowledge that the Asian financial crisis came as a rude shock. Like many others, we, frankly, underestimated its impact. In exposing the problems in some ÃŽ ¿f our neighbouring economies it served as a wake-up call for the entire region. Hong Kong has smelled the coffee. We have embraced further privatisation ÃŽ ¿f public assets, including our profit-making mass-transit railway and even some ÃŽ ¿f our welfare services. We have embarked on a series ÃŽ ¿f ambitious initiatives in the financial-services sector: the merging ÃŽ ¿f the stock and futures markets; further reforms ÃŽ ¿f the banking system; enhanced but

Friday, November 15, 2019

Support Vector Machine Based Model

Support Vector Machine Based Model Support Vector Machine based model for Host Overload Detection in Clouds Abstract. Recently increased demand in computational power resulted in establishing large-scale data centers. The developments in virtualization tech-nology have resulted in increased resources utilization across data centers, but energy efficient resource utilization becomes a challenge. It has been predicted that by 2015 data center facilities costs would contribute about 75%, whereas IT would contribute the remaining 25% to the overall operating cost of the data center. The Server consolidation concept has been evolved for improving the energy efficiency of the data centers. The paper focuses on support vector machine based novel approach to predict the overload and underload pattern of the servers for better data center reconfiguration. Keywords: Support vector machine, energy efficiency. 1 Introduction Virtualization plays an important role in cloud computing, since it permits appropriate degree of customization, security, isolation, and manageability that are fundamental for delivering IT services on demand. One of its striking features is the ability to utilize compute power more proficiently. Particularly, virtualization provides an opportunity to consolidate multiple virtual machine (VM) instances on fewer hosts depending on the host utilization, enabling many of computers to be turned-off, and thereby resulting in substantial energy savings. In fact, commercial products such as the VMware vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), and Citirix XenServer offer VM consolidation as their chief functionality[1]. But with the rapid growth in computing demand, the number of datacenters grows with the need which leads to more number of servers active at a time. The high active servers’ ratio leads to more energy emission and production of Carbon dioxide (CO2). According to data centers’ study, the data centers are not utilized up to their maximum utilization level which leads to more active servers, everyone utilized to less than their total capacity. With this in mind, it is worthwhile to attempt to minimize energy consumption through any means available. Various research agencies and universities have contributed into the research and design of heat dissipation and control in the data center. Virtualization is a technology that contributes to the maximum u tilization of the servers by virtual machine (VM) consolidation and VM Migration. The decision of reallocation of virtual machine for VM consolidation depends on the host utilization behavior. The VMs from the under-utilized and over-utilized hosts are relocated to other hosts by packing the VMs on minimum number of hosts. The hosts having no virtual machine are shifted to the passive mode so that the total energy consumption can be reduced. Statistical methods played a great role in predicting the behavior of the host in dynamic manner. The author [3] has proposed various statistical methods for host overload and underload behavior of the hosts in his thesis. These algorithms take input as the previous or current utilization of the hosts and predict the future based on the previous or current state of the system. He has proposed Local Regression, Median Absolute Deviation, Robust Local Regression and Markov Chain model for predicting the overloaded hosts [3]. All statistical models cannot be applied to all the environments. The choice of the statistical methods d epends on the input data, because every statistical model is based on some assumptions. Markov chain model assumes that the data will be stationary but complex and dynamic environment like cloud, experience highly variable non-stationary workload. The author [3] in his thesis modified his model by using multisize sliding window workload estimation method so that it can be suitable for the cloud environment. In this paper we have proposed a prediction based model i.e. Support Vector Machine (SVM) to predict the host utilization to forecast the host overload and underload behavior of the host. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains the basic concepts and modeling approaches of the Support Vector Machine. In section 3, the literature review related to Support Vector Machine is presented. In section 4 the model is applied to time series forecasting and its performance is compared with those of other forecasting models. Section 5 contains the concluding remarks. 2 Support Vector Machine Support vector machine is a novel technique based on neural network invented by Vapnik and his co-workers at AT T Bell Laboratories in 1995. The objective of SVM is to find a generalized decision rule through selecting some particular subset of training data, called support vectors. Training SVMs is equivalent to solving a linearly constrained quadratic programming problem. The quadratic equation is solved such that the solution of SVM is globally optimal and the quality complexity of the solution does not directly depend on the input space. Another key advantage of SVM is that SVMs tend to be resistant to over-fitting, even in cases where the number of attributes is greater than the number of observations. According to Vapnik there are three main problems in machine learning, e.g. Density Estimation Classification and Regression. In every case the main goal is to learn a function (or hypothesis) from the training data using a learning machine and then conclude general results base d on this knowledge. Time series is a series of data points S t à ¯Ã†â€™Ã… ½ R usually ordered in time. Time series analysis comprises the methods for analyzing the time series data in order to extract meaningful statistics and other characteristics of the data. Time series forecasting models predicts future values based on the previously observed values. The main focus of this paper is to predict the overload and underload behavior of the hosts in cloud data centers based on the previous load pattern of the hosts in the datacenter. The time series prediction is affected by various factors like data is linearly separable or follows non-linear patterns, the learning is supervised learning or unsupervised learning and on support vector kernels. In Euclidean geometry linear separability is a geometric property of a pair of sets of points. The points are linearly separable or not are decided by visualizing the points in two dimensions plane by taking one set of points as being colored green and the other set of points as red. These two sets are linearly separable if there exists at least one line in the plane with all of the green points on one side of the line and all the red points on the other side. Usually in practical problems the data points are mapped to the high dimensional plane and the optimal separating hyper plane is constructed with the help of some special functions known as support vector Kernels in this new feature space. This method also resolves the problem where the training points are not separab le by a linear decision boundary. Because by using an appropriate transformation the training data points can be made linearly separable in the feature space. Figure1 (a) Linearly separable data1(b) non-linear patterns of data In supervisory learning, the training data is composed of input as well as the output vector (also called supervisory signals) whereas in un-supervisory learning the training data is composed of only input vectors. Supervisory learning produces better results because the output vector is already known and the predicted values by the SVM are compared with the output to learn better for the next step. In un-supervisory learning the output data points are not known and the training depends on the probability to drive better results out of it. SVM comes in the supervisory learning category and the kernel function makes the technique applicable for the linear as well as non-linear approximation. 3 Related Works In various practical domains time series modeling and forecasting has essential importance. A lot of research works is going on in this subject during several years. Many models have been proposed in literature for improving the accuracy and efficiency of time series modeling and forecasting. The author [1] has compared various time series prediction methods widely used these days. This paper investigated the application of SVM in financial forecasting. The autoregressive integrated moving average model(ARIMA), ANN, and SVM models were fitted to Al-Quds Index of the Palestinian Stock Exchange Market time series data and two-month future points were forecast. The results of applying SVM methods and the accuracy of forecasting were assessed and compared to those of the ARIMA and ANN methods through the minimum root-mean-square error of the natural logarithms of the data. Results proved that svm is better method of modeling and outperformed ARIMA and ANN. The author of [2] explains the time series concept and the various methods of predicting the future values based on ARIMA model, Seasonal ARIMA model, ANN model, time lagged ANN, seasonal ANN, SVM for regression, SVM for forecasting etc. they have also explained the forecast performance measure MFE (Mean Forecast Error), MAE (Mean Absolute error), MAPE (Mean absolute percentage error), MPE (Mean percentage error), MSE (Means squared error) etc. In paper [5], a model based on least squares support vector machine is proposed to forecast the daily peak loads of electricity in a month. In [5] the time series prediction was first used to forecast electricity load .In paper [4] the author has improved the method presented in [5] to derive more accurate results. The author has proposed dynamic least square support vector machine (DLS-SVM) to track the dynamics of nonlinear time-varying systems. The dynamic least square method works dynamically by replacing the first vector by the new input vector to obtain more accurate result.. The author in paper [9] has proposed the modified version on svm for time series forecasting. The algorithm performs the forecasting in phases. In the first phase, self-organizing map (SOM) is used to partition the whole input space into several disjointed regions. A tree-structured architecture is adopted in the partition to avoid the problem of predetermining the number of partitioned regions. Then, in the second phase, multiple SVMs, also called SVM experts, are constructed by finding the most appropriate kernel function and the optimal free parameters of SVMs. 4 Support Vector Machine Regression Formulations for Forecasting Host Overload Detection Host overload and underload detection is based on current utilization patterns of the host. The host utilization is a univariate time series. In univariate time series the future values are entirely based on past observations. The goal of the SVM regression is to find a function that presents the most deviation from the target values so the maximum allowed error is. The future values are predicted by splitting the time series data into training inputs and the training outputs. Given training data sets of N points, with input data and output data . Assume a non-linear function as given below: (1) w = weight vector, b=bias and is a non-linear mapping to a higher dimensional space. The optimization problem can be defined as: : (2) is a user defined maximum error allowed. The above equation (2) can be rewrite as: : (3) To solve the above equation slack variables needs to be introduced to handle the infeasible optimization problem. After introducing the slack variables the above equations takes the form as given below: : (4) The slack variables defines the size of the upper and the lower deviation as shown in the figure 2(a). Figure 2 (a) The Accurate points inside Tube 2(b) Slope decided by C For simplicity and for avoiding the case of infinite dimensionality of the weight vector w the optimization operation are performed in the dual space[4] the Lagrangian for the problem(a) is given by [2] (3) Here, where are the Lagrange multiples. Applying the conditions of the optimality, one can compute the partial derivatives of L with respect to equate them to zero and finally eliminating w and obtain the following linear system of equations (4) Here, and with is the kernel matrix. The LS-SVM decision function is thus given by [4] (5) The dynamic least square support vector machine is modified so that it is best suitable for the real world problems. The key feature of DLS-SVM is that it can track the dynamics of the non-linear time varying system by deleting one existing data point whenever a new observation is added, thus maintaining the constant window size. 4 Experiments We have used CloudSim for retrieving the utilization of the host based on the workload defined in the PlanetLab folder in CloudSim. It contains the daily virtual machine requirement and the utilization of the host is calculated based on the daily requirement of the virtual machines. After retrieving the utilization of the hosts LSSVMLabv1 toolbox is used for support vector regression and the results are compared with [10] and [5]. The comparison is based on MAPE (mean absolute percentage error) and Maximal error (ME). The chart shows that DLS-SVM produce better forecast for the load pattern of the hosts in the data centers. Figure2: Comparison of errors References Okasha, M. K.,Using Support Vector Machines in Financial Time Series Forecasting.International Journal of Statistics and Applications 2014, 4(1): 28-392. Adhikari, R., Agrawal, R. K. (2013). An Introductory Study on Time Series Modeling and Forecasting.arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.6613. Beloglazov, Anton. Energy-efficient management of virtual machines in data centers for cloud computing. (2013). Niu, D. X., Li, W., Cheng, L. M., Gu, X. H. (2008, July). Mid-term load forecasting based on dynamic least squares SVMs. InMachine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008 International Conference on(Vol. 2, pp. 800-804). IEEE. Bo-Jeun Chen, Ming-Wei Chang, and Chih-Jen LIN, â€Å"Load forecasting using support vector machines: A study on EUNITE competition 2001†, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1821-1830, Nov. 2004. Fan, Y., Li, P., Song, Z. (2006, June). Dynamic least squares support vector machine. InIntelligent Control and Automation, 2006. WCICA 2006. The Sixth World Congress on(Vol. 1, pp. 4886-4889). IEEE. Kim, K. J. (2003). Financial time series forecasting using support vector machines.Neurocomputing,55(1), 307-319. Gui, B., Wei, X., Shen, Q., Qi, J., Guo, L. (2014, November). Financial Time Series Forecasting Using Support Vector Machine. InComputational Intelligence and Security (CIS), 2014 Tenth International Conference on(pp. 39-43). IEEE. Cao, L. (2003). Support vector machines experts for time series forecasting.Neurocomputing,51, 321-339. Haishan Wu, Xiaoling Chang. â€Å"Power load forecasting with least square support vector machines and Chaos Theory†, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Dalian, China, June 21-23, 2006. Rà ¼ping, S. (2001).SVM kernels for time series analysis(No. 2001, 43). Technical Report, SFB 475: Komplexità ¤tsreduktion in Multivariaten Datenstrukturen, Università ¤t Dortmund.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Age Of Comets :: essays research papers

The article summarized below is from THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (issue Dec.97) by William R. Newcott. It tells about how comets are important and their effect on earth and its people.Comets are leftover scrubs of material that did not make it to planethood in the events creating our solar system. They orbit in a perpetual Deepfreeze until some subtle gravitational nudge upsets the delicate balance. The Great Falls begins. First a snowball drifts towards the sun and steadily accelerates. As solar radiation heats the comets the ice within sublimates, escaping as gas from vents from the surface. Sometimes jets of sublimating ice whirl off the rotating comet nucleus like a firework pinwheel. Dust trapped in the ice breaks free. Pushed back by the pressure of the sun’s radiation, the dust streams out behind the comet in what appears as a fairytale. The comet is among the fastest thing in the solar system.The most important new results are that the comet contains carbon compounds with trace of nitrogen sodium and sulfur. These ingredients are essential for life on earth. That is why scientist believes that a comet might have crushed on earth and from that moment life began. The ion tales are believed to be a kind of wind sock for the solar wind and NASA scientists are hoping to use it to get weather reports from distant solar system.Most comets can be only seen with a telescope but every once in a while an impressive one is visible to the naked eye. People through out history gave importance to comets. For example the Romans made a coin about a comet orbiting the sun that shows how its tail points away from the sun. The Babylonians recorded a comet sighting. One of the Astic leaders gave up his land to the Spanish upon seeing a comet.Definitely we are living in the age of comets where scientists detect it through telescopes and e-mail it to the central bureau for Astronomical Telegrams in Cambridge Massachusetts USA. The Age Of Comets :: essays research papers The article summarized below is from THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (issue Dec.97) by William R. Newcott. It tells about how comets are important and their effect on earth and its people.Comets are leftover scrubs of material that did not make it to planethood in the events creating our solar system. They orbit in a perpetual Deepfreeze until some subtle gravitational nudge upsets the delicate balance. The Great Falls begins. First a snowball drifts towards the sun and steadily accelerates. As solar radiation heats the comets the ice within sublimates, escaping as gas from vents from the surface. Sometimes jets of sublimating ice whirl off the rotating comet nucleus like a firework pinwheel. Dust trapped in the ice breaks free. Pushed back by the pressure of the sun’s radiation, the dust streams out behind the comet in what appears as a fairytale. The comet is among the fastest thing in the solar system.The most important new results are that the comet contains carbon compounds with trace of nitrogen sodium and sulfur. These ingredients are essential for life on earth. That is why scientist believes that a comet might have crushed on earth and from that moment life began. The ion tales are believed to be a kind of wind sock for the solar wind and NASA scientists are hoping to use it to get weather reports from distant solar system.Most comets can be only seen with a telescope but every once in a while an impressive one is visible to the naked eye. People through out history gave importance to comets. For example the Romans made a coin about a comet orbiting the sun that shows how its tail points away from the sun. The Babylonians recorded a comet sighting. One of the Astic leaders gave up his land to the Spanish upon seeing a comet.Definitely we are living in the age of comets where scientists detect it through telescopes and e-mail it to the central bureau for Astronomical Telegrams in Cambridge Massachusetts USA.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Function of E-Book

The functions of E-book in teaching and learning. Books are no doubt the main element in teaching and learning activities. As we all know printed books have already been used for a very long time. However in this modern era, books in electronic forms (eBooks) are taking place. EBooks had already been introduced not only for adults but children too. Finally, eBooks are already evolving slowly to take place in teaching and learning. A powerful stimulus for the production of a range of electronic instrument for education has been provided by the latest technology inventions.Numerous ideas and educational materials are invented and extensively published electronically to support the field of teaching and learning, however it is still unclear how far all of this is of use among the students and teachers when it comes to the virtual teaching and learning. Suggestions on how to improve the quality of the products and materials that are already available are still in great demand as the exis ting electronic books have not completely replaced the physical counterpart.The gap between utilitarian and usefulness is quite wide to prove the lack of effectiveness of the first generation of e-books, and the progress of e-books has been led majorly by technology instead of the user’s demand. In the education field, E-books can be found in various type of media instrument like CD-Rom, the internet and in any portable reading materials. Variety types of element are implemented in e-books, for example fiction and non-fiction. A textbook is a source of information on a particular subject.An electronic textbook on the other hand is almost the same but it is more special as e-textbook is an e-book that has a content of educational material for teaching and learning process. E-textbooks are now officially known as educational source that have already published electronically to help in both teaching and learning methods. They are ready to be used within a computer environment, t hrough media such as internet or CD-ROM. In the early 1990s, the spread of educational multimedia was surprisingly very fast and it was proven by the people that it is more beneficial when converting printed publication into electronic form.Apart from that, it has been discussed that e-book is basically implemented to improve the process of studying outside the classroom, and as time goes by, a technological instrument was made where a powerful incentive is created to invent such electronic material for the students. It is better for the people to be updated to any information to learn by using e-book as printed books are always out-of-date and are only replaced with an average of eight years. Limitless and faster access to any latest news and information can be experienced via electronic learning (Hamilton et al. 2001). It was said that electronic education will benefit a lot of people because of its capability to enhance the co-operation and among the students and the teachers (Ha mbrecht, 2000). Apart from that, higher success rate can be seen. However more effort should be contributed towards promoting e-book among the new generations as financial support plays an important role in this matte (Wilson, 2003). Similar to the ordinary printed books, e-book helps the readers to understand and focus on important messages by underlining them and writing simple notes.In addition, e-books are user-friendly too as it is installed with portable dictionary program which made it easier to look up for unfamiliar words. E-book has definitely made the teaching and learning process to be more interesting than ever because the user get to watch clips and interact with a variety of specialities. It has been proven that the youngsters can gain a lot from the added applications (Maynard and McKnight, 2001). At schools, e-textbooks on the other hand will reduce the number of printed textbooks that not only burden both the teachers and students carrying them to-and-fro around th e school compound.This enables the teacher to easily bring the notes including the exercises to be given to the student which thus increases the effectiveness of teaching. With the presence if the electronic book, space can be saved which particularly helps a lot in places mainly the libraries. Decades ago, e-books were not preferred because the prices were too high. In the year 2000, the production of e-books have became larger and the cost of each e-book is lowered (Mayfield, 2000). This indicates that a major procedure in promoting the usage of e-textbooks in school had been done.Another form of e-book, CD-ROM also known as the copy of the encyclopedia is also famous among the students nowadays. They can easily get copies of the syllabus of their subjects in order for them to study back at home and easily bring the topics for discussion among their peers. Another branch of e-book, Hypertextbooks is a famous instrument of interactive studying on the internet in the western country . This electronic file containing the learning materials enables the user to study at their own rhythm and the students will send their assignment to the respective person through email.This concludes that with the upgrading of the process of studying, the students will no longer have the reason not to send their assignments on time. Top of the information, at schools teachers will have no problem to control the class because the students will be more focused and enthusiastic to carry on with their assignments compared to the printed pages. Even though e-textbooks can contribute towards the improvement in assisting the process of teaching and learning, there are still factors that resist their acceptance such as the insufficient number of computers and labs and the low number of publishers.This signifies that e-book can help in the education field but the chance to make it a reality might prove problematic. According to Hambrecht’s theory, it is believed that e-education is p otential in bringing the students and teachers to come together as one in order to enhance the class session’s activities (Hambrecht, 2000). The research about CD-ROM clarified that users will be more interested to learn and use their resources. The children especially, find that learning is more fun with the presence of beautiful graphics and sound effects.This thus motivates them to continue to learn more which in return will boost their thinking skills. Teachers on the other hand love this way of teaching as it is both entertaining and educational. The e-book users prefer to use this modern way of learning because of the more presentable format which brings a brand new perspective towards the people to experience a more lively way of reading especially the story book lovers. Children once exposed to the usage of e-book they will be used to electronic devices and in future, they will no longer rely on the old traditional method which is the printed book.Electronic texts are no doubt a passage for the generation to get an easy access in education for further study and analysis. The fertile ground for the improvement of teaching and learning, e-book, can benefit the generations greatly in terms of the enjoyment of interesting studying method. As a conclusion, the educators should look into this matter more clearly and make an effort to add electronic texts in their teachings if they haven’t start doing so. Cooperation among the parents and the educators are the key to success to make a change to the younger generations. This foundation will for sure end the upcoming obstacle in generating intellectual students.Reference Hambrecht, W. (2000), Exploring a New Frontier, Corporate E-Learning. Hamilton, R. , Richards, C. and Sharp, C. (2001), â€Å"An examination of e-learning and e-books†, available at: www. dcs. napier. ac. uk/ , mm/socbytes/jun2001/Jun2001_9. htm (accessed 20 November 2010) Mayfield, K. (2000), â€Å" Read a g ood e-textboo k lately? †, Wired News, available at: www. wired. com/news/culture/0,1284,38059,00. html (accessed 12 November 2010). Maynard, S. and McKnight, C. 2001a), â€Å"Children’s comprehension of electronic books: an empirical study†, The New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, Vol. 7, pp. 29-53. Maynard, S. and McKnight, C. (2001b), â€Å"Electronic books for children in UK public libraries†, The Electronic Library, Vol. 19 No. 6, pp. 405-23. Sally Maynard, Emily Cheyne, (2005) â€Å"Can electronic textbooks help children to learn? â€Å", Electronic Library, The, Vol. 23 Iss: 1, pp. 103 – 115. November,25, 2010 http://www. emeraldinsight. com/journals. htm? articleid=1464898 Wilson, R. (2003), â€Å"E-education in the UK†, Journal of Digital Information, Vol. 3 No. 4.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Kuwaits Parliamentary Democracy

Kuwait's Parliamentary Democracy Kuwait The Ruling al-Sabah Family The al-Sabah family has been ruling over the region since 1756, when it emerged as the most powerful clan among the al-Utub tribal grouping. The tribe had migrated from the Saudi heartland to escape famine. Unlike other ruling families on the Arab Peninsula, the al-Sabah family didn’t seize power by force so much as accede to it by consensus, in consultation with other clans and tribes. That non-violent, deliberative characteristic has defined Kuwaiti politics for much of the country’s history. Kuwait gained its independence from Britain in June 1961. The 50-seat Assembly was established by Kuwait’s November 1962 constitution. Next to Lebanon’s parliament, it is the longest-serving all-elected legislative body in the Arab world. Up to 15 legislators may serve as both lawmakers and ministers. The emir appoints cabinet members. Parliament does not confirm them, but it can vote no confidence in ministers and veto government decrees. No Parties There are no officially recognized parties in parliament, which has it benefits and drawbacks. On the beneficial side, alliances can be more fluid than in a rigid party system (as anyone familiar with the strictures of party discipline even in the U.S. Congress can attest). So an Islamist might join forces with a liberal on any given issue quite easily. But lack of parties also means lack of strong coalition-building. The dynamics of a parliament of 50 voices are such that legislation is likelier to stall than move forward. Who Gets to Vote and Who Doesnt Suffrage isn’t anywhere near universal, however. Women were given the right to vote and run for office only in 2005. (In the 2009 parliamentary election, 19 women were among the 280 candidates.) The 40,000 members of Kuwait’s armed forces may not vote. And since a 1966 constitutional amendment, naturalized citizens, who account for a considerable portion of Kuwait’s population, may not vote until they’ve been citizens for 30 years, or ever be appointed or elected to any parliamentary, cabinet or municipal post in the country. The country’s Citizenship Law also gives government wide latitude to strip citizenship from naturalized Kuwaitis (as was the case with thousands of Palestinian Kuwaitis following Kuwait’s liberation in 1991 from Iraq’s invasion. The Palestine Liberation Organization had backed Iraq in the war.) Part-Time Democracy: Dissolving Parliament Al-Sanah rulers have dissolved parliament whenever they thought it challenged them too aggressively or legislated too poorly. Parliament was dissolved in 1976-1981, 1986-1992, 2003, 2006, 2008 and 2009. In the 1970s and 1980s, dissolution was followed by long periods of autocratic rule and strictures on the press. In August 1976, for example, the ruling Sheikh Sabah al-Salem al-Sabah dissolved parliament over a dispute between the prime minister (his son, the crown prince) and the legislature, and ended press freedom, ostensibly because of newspaper attacks on Arab regimes. Crown Prince Jaber al-Ahmed al-Sabah, in a bit of a hissy fit, complained in his exit letter that â€Å"cooperation between the executive and the legislative branches is almost absent,† and that deputies were too quick with â€Å"unjust attacks and denunciations against ministers.† Namely, himself. In reality, parliament was dissolved over tension related to the Lebanese civil war, which involved the PLO and other Palestinian factions, and its effects on the large, restive Palestinian population in Kuwait. Parliament wasn’t reconvened until 1981. In 1986, when Sheik Jaber was himself the emir, he dissolved parliament because of instability trigfgered by the Iran-Iraq war and falling oil prices. Kuwaits security, he said on television, â€Å"has been exposed to a fierce foreign conspiracy which threatened lives and almost destroyed the wealth of the homeland.† There was no evidence of any such â€Å"fierce conspiracy.† There was plenty of evidence of repeated and angry clashes between the emir and parliament. (A plan to bomb Kuwait’s oil pipelines was uncovered two weeks before the dissolution.)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Odysseus And Achilles

Odysseus and Achilles In Homer’s epic poems â€Å"The Iliad† and â€Å"The Odyssey†, Achilles and Odysseus are two characters that greatly encompass the human nature idealized by ancient Greeks. By studying the warrior’s thoughts, actions, and ethics, the Ancient Greeks expected to learn how to handle the various obstacles on the course of life. Throughout their quests, Achilles and Odysseus embody the physical, spiritual, and intellectual strengths and weaknesses that the Ancient Greeks observed, and used to go about their daily lives with triumph. Both Achilles and Odysseus illustrate a vast amount of physical strength which the Greeks look upon as being necessary for the claim of respect, self-worth, and victory in the face of battle. Being half-God, the son of immortal Thetis, Achilles’ physical power is inherent. As â€Å"Zeus’s favorite fighter,† the young warrior is well known for his mightiness (166). The ability to lift his father’s spear that â€Å"No other Achaean fighter could heft [†¦and that] only Achilles had the skill to wield† exemplifies his strength above all men (171). Even King Agamemnon envies the respect that the Gods pay him for being a â€Å"great soldier.† To Achilles’ face he claims, â€Å"I hate you most of all the warlords loved by the gods. Always dear to your heart, strife [†¦] battles, [and] the bloody grind of war† (108). In battle, the great warlord conquers many men and claims to Odysseus, â€Å"Twelve cities of men I’ ve stormed and sacked from shipboard, eleven I claim by land† (139). Achilles’ speed is also admired, for it gains him victory in battle. â€Å"The great runner,† being as swift â€Å"as the wild mountain hawk, the quickest thing on wings,† manages to frighten Hector, the foremost warrior of the Trojans, and sends him â€Å"fleeing along the walls of Troy† (180). Achilles’ use of his physical ability displays to the Greeks how being mighty earns respect, and having ... Free Essays on Odysseus And Achilles Free Essays on Odysseus And Achilles Odysseus and Achilles In Homer’s epic poems â€Å"The Iliad† and â€Å"The Odyssey†, Achilles and Odysseus are two characters that greatly encompass the human nature idealized by ancient Greeks. By studying the warrior’s thoughts, actions, and ethics, the Ancient Greeks expected to learn how to handle the various obstacles on the course of life. Throughout their quests, Achilles and Odysseus embody the physical, spiritual, and intellectual strengths and weaknesses that the Ancient Greeks observed, and used to go about their daily lives with triumph. Both Achilles and Odysseus illustrate a vast amount of physical strength which the Greeks look upon as being necessary for the claim of respect, self-worth, and victory in the face of battle. Being half-God, the son of immortal Thetis, Achilles’ physical power is inherent. As â€Å"Zeus’s favorite fighter,† the young warrior is well known for his mightiness (166). The ability to lift his father’s spear that â€Å"No other Achaean fighter could heft [†¦and that] only Achilles had the skill to wield† exemplifies his strength above all men (171). Even King Agamemnon envies the respect that the Gods pay him for being a â€Å"great soldier.† To Achilles’ face he claims, â€Å"I hate you most of all the warlords loved by the gods. Always dear to your heart, strife [†¦] battles, [and] the bloody grind of war† (108). In battle, the great warlord conquers many men and claims to Odysseus, â€Å"Twelve cities of men I’ ve stormed and sacked from shipboard, eleven I claim by land† (139). Achilles’ speed is also admired, for it gains him victory in battle. â€Å"The great runner,† being as swift â€Å"as the wild mountain hawk, the quickest thing on wings,† manages to frighten Hector, the foremost warrior of the Trojans, and sends him â€Å"fleeing along the walls of Troy† (180). Achilles’ use of his physical ability displays to the Greeks how being mighty earns respect, and having ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rio Tinto Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rio Tinto Plc - Essay Example Japan will be importing huge amounts of aluminum, iron, and copper for its reconstruction projects. Three commodities which I liked from its product portfolio are gold, silver, and diamonds. The current price of gold in the international markets is $1452 per ounce (Goldprice, 2011). Diamonds have always been one of the most valuable stones in the world. Diamond jewelry can last a lifetime. There were other factors that attracted me towards selecting Rio Tinto as part of my portfolio. The firm had excellent revenues of $60,323 and net income of $14,324 in 2010. The net margin of the company is 23.74%. The company has a global workforce of 102,000 employees. The firm minimizes its risk by having a global operation located in Australia, North America, Asia, Europe and Southern Africa. The business risks of the company are also minimized by having a variety of products and working all sides of the mining industry supply chain. Two strengths of the company are its wide product range and strong market position. Two opportunities for the firm are the surging demand for gold and new investment and innovations. Throughout its history Rio Tinto has been known for its innovation in the mining industry. Rio Tinto is a solid investment that should pay off dividends both in t he short term and long term. HSBC Holdings Plc HSBC Holdings Plc is a banking and financial sector provider. The bank has an impressive customer portfolio of over 100 million customers worldwide. The company differentiates itself by providing a diverse range of banking and financial services. The firm has its corporate headquarters in London, United Kingdom. I liked the fact that the client base of the company included personal, commercial, corporate, and institutionalize investors. The firm has a network of 8000 offices across 88 countries. The banking industry has gone through a lot of changes since the global recession. The banks are now more risk averse which is a strategy that minimizes the risk of default on loans. Despite the losses that the industry incurred between 2007 and 2009 the banking industry had a solid recovery in 2010 (Plunkett Research, 2011). HSBC was one of the banks that were protected by the U.K. government during the recession. The fact that the government owns 41% of HSBC is an indicato r that the government will invest in HSBC to ensure its success. The global penetration of the company of having a physical presence in over 40% of the world’s countries is a good indicator of the success of the firm. Normally banks are more conservative in their selection of global expansion. The revenues of the company in 2010 were $62,096 million with net income of $5,834 million. The net margin off HSBC is 9.39%. The company has a global workforce of 289,435 employees. The market capitalization of the enterprise is $201,000 million. Two strengths of the bank are its strong capital base and brand perception. The company could take advantage of strategic acquisitions and growth by expansion in emerging markets. The firm could achieve significant growth by penetrating new locations. The favorable forecast for the industry was a factor that made me invest in HSBC. BT Group Plc BT Group Plc is a UK based communication company. The firm is considered one of the world’s l eading communication companies. BT has been able to penetrate the communications marketplace at over 170 countries around the world. The services offered by the company includ

Friday, November 1, 2019

Memory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Memory - Research Paper Example The explicit format of memory is more accessible because conscious and unconscious working of our mind is strongly co-related with our experience of the object reality where some sort of learning is involved. Our conscious mind understands and interprets the sensations according to the partial or total recall of the events. It is a fact that the mind is capable of retrieving images from recess even if no conscious effort was made to commit them to memory. Hence, it can be safely stated that even during the process of intentional recall of an image in some specific format, the mind can generate and explore various other properties of the same image. This type of memory is highly interactive and promotes long term learning. Whenever I go to the school playground, I am always reminded of football match which my team had won with a bang. This is a long term memory that is intrinsically linked with the physical competencies of the persons and is also called muscle memory. Procedural memory is associated with some definite voluntary or involuntary actions in some predefined format. In other words, with or without conscious effort, our memories are linked with some definite actions that are designed to rearrange the physical aspects of our surrounding through the movements of our body parts which is caused by the directives of the mind. Driving a bicycle or a car is a life long ability and one is able to retrieve its usage even after long time. This type of memory retains the procedures of various activities and therefore, it becomes easier for persons to do more than one work simultaneously. Students riding cycles are also able to converse freely because the memory has adjusted or defined its pathways to suit the physical activities. Emotions significantly impact memory and therefore, this type of memory takes precedence